As a volunteer organization, we could not make this game happen without the incredible work done by our committed staffers.
Cindy wears a few hats as a part of Numina staff, the primary ones being a story writer and the person who will send you a bunch of emails right before and right after events. Her favorite things to write and run at Numina are political plot, character history plot, and player centric cosmology plot. She was once told by a friend that she had a real knack for institutionalized social injustice, so she takes advantage of that. Outside of game she is an artist, reader, and mom.
Josh started larping in the same decade as he had his big hair and wore a Don Johnson linen jacket to his prom. You can generally find Josh someone on the site in the middle of a battle, running a module or trying to keep us all on schedule.
Runs our game’s economics, ensures we take care of our sites, and plays NPCs that PCs shouldn’t like, but really really do.
Amy has experience in running Larps from her time as a leader in Ascendant, spent years running tabletop and online games and is accomplished at making PCs cry.
Numina is always FREE for NPCs
Known for her breadth of characters thanks to her extensive theater experience Ashley, while new-ish to larp is more experienced than most of us in costuming, scenary and making her roles come alive.
Goblin in disguise
Loves costuming. Seems sane at first, then you find out she went to actual clown college. costuming. Seems sane at first, then you find out she went to actual clown college.
Creator of fantastigorical creations of light, sounds and weird dodads. Chris is loved for his serious characters and loved more for his less serious ones.
Constance has been larping for over 10 years, as a staffer, NCP and PC. Constance is known for inflicting PCs with glitter and rescuing cute animals in danger.
George has been gaming for most of his life. In addition to staffing Numina he has played a number of LARPs and still finds time to travel up and down the east coast to help NPC other LARPs of various genres. George has a strong interest in the costuming and props aspects of the hobby and his house groans under the weight of dozens of LARPing projects in various states of completion.
Hope doesn't always design props for Numina, but when she does, they are sixty feet long and require seven NPCs to operate. In her real-world job as a Theatre Teacher, she does set and costume construction, as well as a lot of very loud talking, all of which come in handy as a Numina staffer.
Mangi started LARPing in 2016 & discovered he enjoyed bringing NPCs to life. That got him noticed by the staff of another LARP & he joined their plot team. After that game closed, he first joined Numina as an NPC and the cycle repeated itself.
DB Wizard, Actual Wizard, Plays a Wizard in Larps
EMT, Vargoth Hunter, Friendly Neighborhood Cyborg
These volunteers show up to play monsters and various other characters in the world of Numina - learn more about NPCing
Numina is always FREE for NPCs
Want to learn more, email
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