What a Numina event is like (a Short fictional account)
Out of character safety mechanics
Campaign Guide (game world info)
Rulebook (game mechanics)
Scroll down for FAQ!
Everyone needs to make sure they are up to date on their Covid Vax. For guidance on what "up to date” means check the CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/covid/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html.
To keep everyone safe, we ask you don't show up to game if you're feeling unwell or if you just got over something. Please stay home, rest up, and take care of yourself.
You'll see these requirements in our updated Waiver which you will sign at check in on site at the event.
Character sheet - log into our database to make yours, and/or contact numinadirector@gmail.com and ask for help building your character - you can also see examples of a Numina Character sheet on our Discord (You can rewrite the whole thing after your first event, if you decide to)
Recommended Packing List
And don’t forget to Register for the event!
Costume / Makeup ideas
Costume Tips and ideas for affordable costuming for your first event
Some visual references on our Pinterest Page
A list of potential vendors if you plan to shop for costuming
How do you make a boffer sword?
Please see weapons crafting in the Numina Rulebook
What is boffer combat like?
This story does a good job of getting the flavor across, you can also learn more about the specifics from our Rulebook, or ask questions in our Discord
What does it mean to be “in character” all weekend?
Once game on is called you must roleplay your character and stay “in game” until game is over for the weekend. This means that you are in role the whole weekend. Don’t worry - it’s really easy when everyone is doing it!
Do I have to fight?
If you’re new to larping we’d encourage you to try it out! Your first experience at Numina will be on a “New Player Mod” (mod is short for “module” and is our word for an adventure where stuff happens, usually some fighting involved) where you’ll have a chance to practice with other new players before joining the rest of the game. Some new players choose to start out as an archer or spellcaster to throw packets instead of thwacking swords as that can be a less intense combat experience, however please feel free to dive in and use a sword at your first game!
If fighting is really not for you, there are 2 categories of players who don’t typically boffer fight at Numina. Those who are “strictly non combat” due to medical reasons (commonly used for pregnant players, or those who have recently had surgery). They are marked with red lights to make them easy to identify in the dark. There are also usually a couple of players who are more interested in the non combat parts of the game (roleplay, puzzles etc.) and choose to spend their in game time at the tavern talking with other PCs and the NPCs who come to town.
This seems like a lot….
Yes - there are a lot of rules and even experienced players mess up. Do your best and ask when you need help. Everyone has been where you are! Don't worry about being perfect.
How we contrast and compare with other LARPS you may have attended.
Game Play Style
Numina has a heavy focus on roleplay, immersion, and ongoing plots.
We are running a chronicle game, with many players bringing the same PC back year after year to tell the sort of complicated, intricate, and improvisational story that a short campaign or one shot does not provide the opportunity for.
It is uncommon for RP to be negotiated ahead of time, though it is certainly not forbidden for PCs to do so.
Our game is primarily PVE (players VS the environment) and PC interactions are at the heart of many stories at Numina.
Current Plots
The best place to learn about current active plots and what PC types may be an open niche is the #new-player-chat in our Discord. There isn’t a character niche that is designed to be more or less involved or powerful than the others. In combat shields are always useful if you want to be perpetually called upon to fight in the line.
Boffer Combat - this is a light touch game
From the section on Melee Attacks in our Rulebook:
To add to the atmosphere of role playing, we expect our players to role play in combat. Although we allow light weapons for safety and comfort, we ask that players keep the pace of their swings in line with what a heavier weapon might require. Melee swings that are entirely generated by snapping or rotating the wrist or forearm are discouraged. Although you are expected to role play full weapon swings where the weapon moves at least 45 degrees, the actual contact cannot be too hard. A tap from a weapon is sufficient to deliver an attack. Melee attacks that are blocked by another weapon or shield wielded by a character with the appropriate skill to do so are not counted. Attacks to the head and neck, the hands, or the groin are illegal and are not counted.
CP at Numina (Character Points Explained!)
We are all volunteers
Numina is not a game that exists for anyone to turn a profit. We are here because we love LARPING
Our game is owned under an LLC for insurance purposes.
The fee charged to players covers the site rentals and some of the logistical expenses (costumes, props, the truck etc.) and many staffers and community members put more of their own money into the game than we like to think about.
We typically hold a fundraiser every year to help offset expenses as well - or give us the opportunity to invest in really cool theatrical effects for something in the next season.
NPCing at Numina
It is always free to NPC for Numina. We have CP exchanges with several games - if you don’t see your game listed here please contact numinadirector@gmail.com - we are always happy to explore offering a CP exchange with other larps. Snacks are generally available all weekend at Monster Camp (including baked goods from the PCs sometimes!) NPC weapons and shields are also provided, as well as a trailer full of costuming and props.
To NPC please pre-register and let us know what types of roles you prefer and where you want your CP going to. Besides - if you let us know that you're coming to help out we can plan to give you some fun things to do!
Contact our official New Player Staffer by reaching out to numinadirector@gmail.com
New Player Mod - each event begins with a module of content that is just for new players designed to help you get a feel for combat and introduce your character to the story
Be sure to join #new-player-chat on our Discord server
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